Hayata Dokunuş

Nature love

The world needs good people taking action.

We are millions of people around the world coming together with hope and determination to create change. Join this movement today!

Love of nature encourages people to notice and pay attention to the natural world around them. This includes vegetation, animals, water resources and other natural elements.

Environmental Awareness

Love of nature encourages people to notice and pay attention to the natural world around them. This includes vegetation, animals, water resources and other natural elements.

Protection and Maintenance

Protection and Maintenance

Love of nature encourages people to take action to protect and sustainably manage natural resources and the environment. This can include a variety of activities such as reducing pollution, protecting biodiversity and preserving natural habitats.

Join this movement!

There is so much worth protecting our planet!

Emotional Connection

Love of nature involves establishing an emotional bond with nature. This connection allows people to appreciate natural beauty and find peace and serenity in nature.

Every Tree Means a Breath.


It is important in many respects that organic waste is not garbage and that it is beneficial to meet the soil. Organic waste includes substances of plant and animal origin and can be subjected to a natural transformation process in nature. Here are the benefits of organic waste meeting the soil:

• Reduces Chemical Fertilizer Use

Incorporation of organic waste into the soil can reduce the use of chemical fertilizers. This ensures a more environmentally sustainable farming and horticulture operation and protects groundwater resources.

• Reduces Carbon Dioxide Emissions

Bringing organic waste into the soil instead of rotting in landfills or landfills reduces methane gas emissions. This can help reduce the greenhouse gas impact and climate change.

• Enriches the Soil

Organic waste is a source of organic matter that nourishes and enriches the soil. These wastes promote the formation of humus in the soil and improve the structure of the soil. This allows plants to grow better.

• Increases the Water Holding Capacity of the Soil

Organic waste increases the water retention capacity of the soil. This gives plants better access to water during dry periods and reduces soil erosion.

• Provides Plant Nutrients

Organic waste contains nutrients necessary for plants. The meeting of these wastes with the soil ensures that nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other minerals, which are important for the growth and development of plants, are more abundant in the soil.

• Sustainable Waste Management

The incorporation of organic waste into the soil makes the waste management process sustainable. This slows down the filling of landfills and reduces their environmental impact.

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Oxygen Production


Future generations

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